Suffolk County Grants for Septic Systems & Cesspools

Suffolk County has launched the Septic Improvement Program (SIP) to regulate the use of Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (I/A OWTS) which efficiently reduce nitrogen pollution from cesspools and septic systems. Homeowners who replace their outdated systems may be eligible for grants from New York State and Suffolk County, but eligibility requirements must be met and necessary documentation needs to be provided.

Suffolk County Septic Tank Grants: What Homeowners Need to Know 

Nitrogen pollution from cesspools and septic systems has been identified as the defining cause for degraded water quality in Suffolk County. This pollution contributes to beach closures, restrictions on shellfishing, toxic algae blooms, and massive deaths of fish. What’s more, when nitrogen reaches surface waters, it further contributes to the degradation of our marshes, bays, and beaches. In order to resolve this long standing issue, Suffolk County has instituted the Reclaim Our Water initiative to regulate the use of Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (I/A OWTS) which ensure these advanced wastewater treatment systems efficiently reduce nitrogen.

In order to make the cost of I/A systems more affordable for homeowners, Suffolk County has launched the Septic Improvement Program (SIP). Under the SIP, homeowners who decide to replace their cesspool or septic system with the new I/A OWTS technologies may be eligible for grants from New York State and Suffolk County toward the purchase and installation of a nitrogen removal septic system and leaching structure.

The average total cost for nitrogen-removing I/A systems is approximately $25,000.00, plus the cost of attendant engineering and design services. It’s important to note that costs will vary on a case-by-case basis. In addition to the grant(s), homeowners may qualify to finance the remaining cost of the systems with a loan administered by Community Development Corporation of Long Island Funding Corporation (CDCLI). 

Suffolk County Septic Tank & Cesspool Grant Eligibility

Funding is available through the Suffolk County Septic Improvement Program grants (SIP) and the New York State Septic System Replacement Program (SSRP). The SIP offers a $10,000 grant, with an additional $5,000 for low to moderate income applications and $5,000 when a Pressurized Shallow Drainfield is required. The SSRP offers up to a $10,000 grant, covering 50% of eligible costs, not including sales tax, pumping or decommissioning, internal plumbing or operation & maintenance costs. In certain instances it may be possible to receive a combined $25,000 grant for septic systems on Long Island – covering the costs of the installation of a nitrogen reducing septic system.

In order to be eligible for a grant, the residence must be equipped with a septic tank system or cesspool and not connected to a sewer system or located within a proposed sewer district. New construction on vacant lots is not eligible, and the property must not have any outstanding or open real property tax liens. Additional eligibility requirements include not being connected to a sewer system and providing necessary documentation. The grant program is not a reimbursement program and payments are made directly to the vendor. 

Affordable Wastewater Treatment Systems: How Suffolk County’s Grants Make a Difference

In conclusion, the Suffolk County Grants for Cesspool and Septic Systems are a necessary step towards improving water quality in the area. With nitrogen pollution being the main cause of degraded water quality, the Reclaim Our Water initiative and the Septic Improvement Program are providing homeowners with the opportunity to replace their outdated systems with innovative and alternative wastewater treatment systems. 

The grants available through the SIP and SSRP can make the cost of these systems more affordable for eligible homeowners. It is important to note that eligibility requirements must be met and necessary documentation has to be provided to ensure a successful Suffolk County cesspool grant application. Overall, these grants are a positive step towards improving the environment and ensuring a healthier future for Suffolk County.

You can submit your application for the Suffolk County Septic Improvement Program here.

Murph’s Drainage Solutions: The Trusted Name in Wastewater Management Services

As a cross-generational family business, we pride ourselves in providing world-class wastewater management services at competitive prices, including cesspool and septic pumping & sewer and drain cleaning – for general maintenance and emergencies alike. At Murph’s Drainage Solutions, we ensure that your systems run without a hitch, because you should never have to worry about sewage problems.

So why wait? Contact us today and experience Murph’s difference!

